Cold light has been seen through the ages from ancestral Australian Aboriginals to Spanish explorers in South America to modern day physics students as a passing abnormally not much looked at. The Moon has cold light well i have just proven it. The real question is why does it have cold light?
Video “Moon Light is Cold”What The ?
Your view on the cold hard facts, or are you a non believer.
Different cultures have their legends about cold light, this proves our ancient cultures where more fluent in natural phenomena and had a more open mind especially with science incorporating the metaphysical world without any discrimination.
One example from “First People – The Legends” website
Excerpt from Native American Legends “Turtle and the Sky Bowl”
She went to the crag, looking up, up, up the chalky stone awash in Moons cold light. Vulture’s nook sat up there, where the rock brushed against the sky.
Example from science
How and why do fireflies light up?
Excerpt from Scientific American
Unlike a light bulb, which produces a lot of heat in addition to light, a firefly’s light is cold light, without a lot of energy being lost as heat. This is necessary because if a firefly’s light-producing organ got as hot as a light bulb, the firefly would not survive the experience.
Other Descriptions from “Is this an Ancient Lost City”?
Excerpt from
Just prior to Colonel Fawcett’s ill-fated expedition, a Nafaqua Indian chief (whose territory lay between the Xingu and Tabatinga Rivers) told Colonel Fawcett about a “city” where strange temples could be found and baptismal ceremonies were practiced. The Indians there spoke of houses with “stars to light them, which never went out.”
Tales of strange “cold lights” is not new. Father Evariste-Regis Huc (1813-1860) traveled extensively in Asia and left a description of an ever-burning lamp that he had seen in Tibet.
In 1963, at a conference on street lighting and traffic in Pretoria, South Africa, C.S. Downey talked about a village in the jungle near Mount Wilhelmina in the western part of New Guinea (which had been cut off from civilization) with “a system of artificial illumination equal, if not superior, to the 20th century.” Traders who had penetrated this remote area lost amid high mountains said they “were terrified to see many moons suspended in the air and shining with great brightness all night long.” These artificial moons were large stone balls mounted on pillars. After sunset, they would glow a strange neonlike light.
Ion Idriessa, a well known Australian writer who lived among the Torres Strait islanders, wrote in his Drums of Mer a story about booyas, a term he got from the old aborigines. A booya is a round stone set in a large bamboo socket. When the chief pointed the stone toward the sky, a thunderbolt flashed. This “cold light” was so brilliant it enveloped all near it.
On the other side of the Pacific, Barco Centenera, a memoirist of the conquistadors, wrote about the discovery of a strange source of illumination in South America. In 1601, he wrote about the island city of Gran Moxo, near the source of the Paraquay River in the Matto Grosso, stating: “On the summit of a 7.75 meter pillar was a great moon, which illuminated all the lake, dispelling darkness.”
Location of “Cold Light”
Harold Wilkins 1949 map
Colonel Fawcett was told by the natives of Matto Grosso that mysterious “cold lights” had been seen by them in the lost cities in the jungle. He wrote to the British author Lewis Spense: “These people have a source of illumination which is strange to us – in fact, they are a remnant of civilization which has gone and which has retained old knowledge.”
In Exploration Fawcett (Lt. Col. Percy Fawcett and Brian Fawcett, 1953) Colonel Fawcett states: “This is the first but not the last time I heard of these permanent lights found occasionally in the ancient houses built by that forgotten civilization of old. I knew that certain Indians of Ecuador were reputed to light their huts at night by means of luminous plants, but that, I considered, must be a different thing all together. There was some secret means of illumination known to the ancients that remains to be rediscovered by the scientists of today – some method of harnessing forces unknown to us.”
Colonel Fawcett was determined to find this lost city, and in 1925 he launched an expedition deep into the interior of the Matto Grosso region of Brazil in search of that lost city.
Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of South America
by David Hatcher Childress
We Are Not The First by Andrew Tomas
Excerpt from Islamic Awareness
The Kapauku Papuans Of West Guinea
The material is taken from a book called The Kapauku Papuans Of West Guinea by Leopold Pospisil. It is a case study of Stone-Age Kapauku tribe who led their aboriginal lives undisturbed by the spreading western civilization until 1938. The Kapauku Papuans are mountain people who belong to one of the several tribes whose members inhabit the central highlands of western New Guinea. Their country, most of which lies 1500 m above sea level, is composed of rugged mountain chains and deep valleys.
The Kapauku have an interesting world view. If we have to compare their religion versus Islam, the difference is very little. Regarding the Creator of the universe, the Kapauku believe:
The universe itself and all existence was Ebijata, “designed by Ugatame”, the Creator, Ugatame has a dual nature: He is supposed to be masculine and feminine at the same time, is referred to as the two entities, and is manifested to the people by the duality of the sun and the moon. To my enquiry whether Ugatame was the sun and the moon I received the answer a firm denial. The sun is conceived as the ball of fire, because it provides light and is warm; moon is believed to be a cold light like that of a firefly or the bacteria that infest rotting wood. Sun and moon are only manifestations of Ugatame who thus makes his presence known to the people. they definitely are not Creator himself.
Science and cold moon Light
Interesting enough the moon still makes solar cell activity which leads me to observation of the moon compared to the sun. So if you download apps like stellarium or astronomy programs you will see that the angle of the moons bright spot is visually comparable to the position of the sun. I have visually proven this my self especially on days the sun and moon are seen together. In an old biblical text not in the canonized version, but highly regarded from the days of christ was the “Book of Enoch”
Book of Enoch
Section III. Chapters LXXII-LXXXII
The Book of the Heavenly Luminaries
37. its appearance, according as the Lord commanded. As he rises, so he sets and decreases not, and rests not, but runs day and night, and his light is sevenfold brighter than that of the moon; but as regards size they are both equal.
9. Fourteenth to the half of a seventh, and all her remaining light disappears wholly on the fifteenth. And 10 in certain months the month has twenty-nine days and once twenty-eight. And Uriel showed me another law: when light is transferred to the moon, and on which side it is transferred to her by the sun
So i still believe that the light from the moon comes from the sun, but something happens once it shines back to earth, its cold folks believe or not try for yourself, dont beleave me experiment for your self.
Moonlight has a spectral peak around 650nm (the sun peaks at around 550nm). Ordinary solar cells will work just fine to convert it into electricity. The power of moonlight is about 500,000 times less than that of sunlight, which for a solar constant of 1000W/m^2 leaves us with about 2mW/m^2. After accounting for optical losses and a typical solar cell efficiency of roughly 20%, we can probably hope to extract approx. 0.1mW with a fairly simple foil mirror of 1 m^2 surface area.
Moon origins has an interesting twist in this Creation myth
Excerpt from “Native American Myths of Creation”
Myth 1
The Lakota recount in their version of demiurge that the gods lived in the heavens and humans lived in an underworld without culture. Creation was initiated by Inktomi (“spider”), the trickster, who conspired to cause a rift in the heavens between the The Sun God Takushkanshkan (“something that moves”) and his wife, the Moon. Their separation marked the creation of time. Some of Inktomi’s co-conspirators were exiled to the Earth where the gods of the four winds were scattered and created space.
To populate the Earth, Inktomi traveled to the underworld in the form of a wolf and met with humanity, telling them about a paradisical world aboveground. Inktomi convinced a man named Tokahe (“the first”) to travel to the surface for a brief visit. When Tokahe emerged through a cave (Wind Cave in the Black Hills), he found the world to be strikingly beautiful. Returning to the underworld, Tokahe persuaded other families to accompany him to the surface, but upon arrival they discovered that the Earth was full of hardship. Inktomi had by this time prevented humanity from returning below ground, so the families had no choice but to scatter and eke out their livelihoods.
In a myth of the Luyia people of Kenya in East Africa, the sun and moon were brothers. The moon was older, bigger, and brighter, and the jealous sun picked a fight with him. The two wrestled and the moon fell into mud, which dimmed his brightness. God finally made them stop fighting and kept them apart by ordering the sun to shine by day and the mud-spattered moon to shine by night to illuminate the world of witches and thieves.
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Moon changing behaviour
Excerpt from Myths Encyclopaedia “Going Moon-Mad”
People once believed that moonlight had a powerful effect on human behavior. Those who acted strangely were said to be “moonstruck,” and lunacy, a term for madness, comes from Luna, the Latin name for the moon goddess. The Japanese believed that the moon was a god with powers to foretell the future. Priests would study the moon’s reflection in a mirror, believing that if they gazed directly at the moon, it might drive them mad. Superstitions about the moon’s evil influence made some people refuse to sleep in a place where moonbeams could touch them. In the 1200s, the English philosopher Roger Bacon wrote, “Many have died from not protecting themselves from the rays of the moon.”
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Ying and Yang
Is there a connection between the sun and the moon the ancestral Chinese believed so and they were experts on Astronomy and observation. Other cultures have moon and sun myths that make connections to each other.
Modern science cannot explain the so called coincidence that the sun and the moon are the same size exactly to our observation from earth, they say the sun is exactly a certain size and a certain distance away to make our moon look the same size, I don’t think so phuuuu.
The simple explanation is always the most correct which is they are the same size and the same distance away. If you turn your telescope toward the sun not a great idea without the appropriate sun filter and the moon you have the same focus point? But we will expand on this topic in later articles.
As always, the picture really tells us everything we need to know already, without words. The relationship between the Yin-Yang symbol and the movement of, and relationship between, the Sun and Moon is very clear. There must always be harmonious balance between female – male energies, magnetic – electric, right – left, closed – open, and so forth. The Yin-Yang symbol portrays this perfectly.
A picture is worth a thousand words