- 1666 May 3 – According to manuscripts, Isaac Newton witnesses the falling of an apple on this day, which leads him to discover gravity.
Note gravity was born on this sus—auspicious year 🙂 Another story, another blog but they are interconnected.
- 1666 September 2–5 – Great Fire of London: A large fire breaks out in the City of London, in the house of a baker on Pudding Lane, near London Bridge. The fire destroys more than 13,000 buildings (including Old St Paul’s Cathedral), but only six people are known to have died,[4] whilst at least 80 were left destitute and homeless. The re-surveying of property is credited with giving both cartography and the practices of surveying a leg up, as well as resulting in the modern definition by John Ogilby of the statute mile, as 1760 yards.[5]
This fire is so ominous it has a story to tell if you do the research 6 people died and there was 13,000 buildings destroyed sounds like BS to me. Hay sounds like another blog to me 🙂
- 1666 The French Academy of Sciences was founded. And Finally the kicker below. Hmmm scienctism was officially started in France
- In 1666, Louis XIV of France had authorized the building of an observatory in Paris to measure longitude. On Midsummer’s Day 1667, members of the Academy of Sciences traced the future building’s outline on a plot outside town near the Port Royal abbey, with Picard’s meridian exactly bisecting the site north-south. French cartographers would use it as their prime meridian for more than 200 years.
This is the meridian value of mount Herman now after the 1666 design change is 33.33 x 33.33 where the number of banished Angels had fallen was exactly 33.33 Hmmm the exact number 33.33 +33.33 adds up to 666 this measurement design was made in 1666 Hmmm…. The number 666 is a clue in revelation for us prove our wisdom. Tell me i am wrong please prove me wrong, post below your thoughts and maybe add to the compounding evidence put before you!!!
Revelation 13
Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is six hundred sixty-six.
All some
Thanks try My best will churn out some more hidden fact as much as i can
Hmm reminds me off a YouTube channel